Monday, January 25, 2010

The Number, Part 3

An update of sorts ... The Number is slightly lower again.  I'm happy.  But you know what I'm happier about?  That physically, I feel a lot better than I did before I committed to this.

I purposely didn't count calories and purposely ate what I wanted to on Saturday.  I could feel my resolve beginning to crack and I was afraid I'd binge on truffles or something if I didn't change things up a bit.  I didn't go nuts or anything, I just wasn't so regimented.  And it was fine.  Then yesterday, I stuck with my calorie limit but it was all crappy food (i.e. nachos, popcorn, hot chocolate, macaroni and cheese, etc.).  Looking at that list really makes me wonder how I stayed within my caloric limit but somehow I did.  I didn't have a single vegetable.  Blech.  I paid for it, too.  I felt bloated and sick most of the evening.

It was so refreshing to stick with a healthy diet today.  Emotionally and physically I am much better off than I was 2 weeks ago.  I'm loving this.  It's a great incentive to keep it up.

1 comment:

t. said...

woot! good for you. i know that when i was eating really really clean, i felt so healthy. no gross bloatage or icky skin. i'm having a hard time cleaning things up diet-wise right now, but making slow/steady progress.

keep up the good work! :)