Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moving Update

After much thought, I have decided that we will move to another apartment in this complex when our lease is up at the end of February.  I briefly considered buying a town house near here because this is such a great time to buy a house.  When I looked at my financial situation though, I decided that it might be better to buy in another year or two.  Just because it's good for most people to buy now doesn't mean it's good for me, you know?

Once I decided not to buy now, the next logical choice was to stay in this complex (the rent really can't be beat) or move to one of the other few in the kids' school district (their school really is unbeatable).  The others didn't have 3 bedroom apartments available in the time frame I needed them and this one did.  So we got lucky.  I hassled the leasing manager for 3 weeks and finally got a deal worked out.

So we're moving in less than two months.  I'm excited.  We'll have more storage space and Miriam will get her own room.  She's over the moon about that.  The new apartment is on the third floor, which is good and bad.  Good because we won't have Bigfoot or noisy fighting over our heads.  Bad because hauling groceries will be a major chore.  Anyway, it's all part of apartment life; a life I hope to leave behind in the next couple of years.

1 comment:

t. said...

i am excited for you! and for miriam, too - her very own room!

i remember hauling groceries up to a third floor apt before. not fun, but it beats hearing the people above you stomp about. (or like my old neighbors, vacuuming at midnight.)

and i hope that in a year or two, you will be able to purchase a place of your own. :)