Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Can Totally Do This!

I'm not working today -- yay for PAs that go on 2-week vacations to Switzerland and leave the office needing only 2 nurses!  So that means I had time to run and lift weights this morning.

I did awesomely, if I do say so myself.  I programmed the treadmill for an hour.  I almost chickened out and put in 30 minutes but decided I'll never make enough progress that way.  So an hour it was.  I still don't have the endurance to run for an hour straight but I walked a minimum, just enough to take a drink of water and catch my breath again.  Wanna know how far I went?  Three.eight miles.  Woot!  That's roughly 6 kilometers for you non-metric peoples. That means I can totally run 10 kilometers in 4 months!  I can do this!  I am doing this.

As a bonus, I burned over 300 calories.  That's more than my breakfast.

1 comment:

t. said...

woot! that is awesome!