Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm It

I was tagged by my friend, T.  She's awesome and stuff and I'd love for you all to meet her, but she's kind of private and I respect that so she will remain as anonymous as she wants to be.

Anyway, T tagged me.  (I like the sound of that sentence.)  And I'm supposed to compose a list of 10 things that make me happy, do one of those things today and then tag 10 other bloggers to do the same thing.  Or something. The problem/s here are a) It's 9:36 pm and I'm going to bed in 1 hour and b) I don't have 10 blogging friends.  :sob:  But I will not let that deter me.  Here I go.  Are you ready?

  1. My kids.  What else?  No matter how much they frustrate me, no matter how many times they induce stress-eating, or how many times they make me cry or lose sleep or my sunglasses or my appetite or my patience or the marker in my book -- you getting the picture yet? -- they do make me happy.  They never cease to amaze me with their smarts and their funnies and their capacity for making up kinda lame knock-knock jokes.  I'm so lucky to be their mom.  They make me happy every day.
  2. Paul.  What can I say about Paul? We have fun together.  He gets me.  He puts up with my neuroses and doesn't complain a bit.  He takes care of me and I take care of him. He tells me how awesome I am -- and I'm kind of starting to believe him.
  3. Mountains.  I love the mountains.  They're truly breathtaking.  I am so fortunate to have the views that I do.
  4. Cooking.  Cooking makes me sooo happy.  I love starting with a counter full of ingredients and transforming them into something delicious.  It's one of the best feelings in life.
  5. Jeans and t-shirts.  I am not a high-fashion person, in any sense of the word.  I live for comfort and it doesn't get any better than broken-in jeans and a comfy t-shirt.
  6. My car.  She's pretty.  She's rock-solid on ice and snow.  She thaws out her own windshield wipers and defrosts her own sideview mirrors.  She plays my favorite music straight from my iPod.   She warms my butt.  She makes me happy.
  7. Ice cream.  Ice cream makes me happy.  Actually, ice cream might make me a little too happy, from the feel of my jeans lately.  Oops.
  8. Running.  I can always think of something I'd rather do but once I get going, I feel like I can do anything.  I feel strong, I feel powerful, I feel invincible.
  9. Organization.  I thrive on organizing my surroundings.  I can't handle clutter.  A place for everything and everything in its place, and all that jazz.  Alright, I'll quit.
  10. Music.  Of course music.  I crave rhythms and melodies and counter-melodies.  I love how music can deepen and accentuate any emotion.  I love turning it up loud and losing myself in it.  Music makes me very happy.
So that's my list.  And I'm tagging the following:

1. Lance
2. Caleb  (This is a long shot since he hasn't blogged in roughly 15 months.)
3. Garbanzo (if he's still reading and/or blogging)

I would tag Michelle but I'm pretty sure T tagged her, too.  And I don't think the other blogs I read know who I am.


t. said...

high five! your list rocks. if we lived closer, we could be besties. unless you already have a BFF. in which case, i could be the third wheel. or something like that. in any case, i love your list. :)

Ms. Jess said...

Yesss! T wants to be my bestie!

Seriously, I have thought that so many times. You guys should totally move to CO. It would be rad.