Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Random Rambling

  1. I cut my finger on a piece of chicken. Yes, I said chicken, not chicken bone.
  2. It's snowing.  Hard. I really want a snow day.  Hard.
  3. Paul and I are going to the Spring Wine Festival in Palisade this weekend.  We're staying at the cutest little bed and breakfast I've ever seen.  I'm excited.  I just hope we don't have to make small talk with the owners.
  4. I'm on my second full week of no calorie counting. Last week I was lazy and ate mostly what I wanted.  I gained 3 lbs back. This week I'm being stricter and hoping to see a loss on Monday.  If there's still not a loss I'll go back to the counting.
  5. I took the kids to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  It's way cute.
  6. Häagen-Dazs 5 ingredient coffee ice cream might be the best thing I have ever tasted.
  7. Google 'shark with people teeth.' Just do it.  I promise you won't regret it.
  8. I saw a bumper sticker today that said, "Die hard fan of having a roof over my head."  I giggled for several blocks. 
  9. I've discovered a phenomenal recipe for salsa. It's so good and so easy, you'll cry.
  10. I have decided I like cilantro in small doses.
  11. When I re-formatted my blog I lost the instant edit link in the layout and I'm very frustrated that I can't find it.

1 comment:

t. said...

hahaha! i googled shark with people teeth. they look so happy!