Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Number, Part 6

The Number is down by 15. I love that sentence. FIFTEEN POUNDS! :happy dance:

Some observations regarding The Number:
  1. I found another pair of jeans that fit.
  2. My belt has to be cinched another hole smaller.
  3. I finally worked up the courage to dig through all the clothes that haven't fit me in a long time.  I divided them into piles: one is stuff I should be able to wear in another month to 6 weeks and the other is stuff I should be able to wear this summer.
  4. When I hit the 15 pound mark, my motivation kind of tapered off for a bit and it scared me because I have a long way to go. I need to lose at least another 15 and would be happier with 20. My motivation is back now because of the cute and fun summer clothes pile.
  5. I can't keep my cell phone in the back pocket of my jeans any more.  It pokes my bones and hurts. That didn't used to happen.
  6. It's becoming much easier to look at junk food as Treat Food rather than Regular Food.
  7. I hit a plateau a couple of weeks ago. A friend directed me to a site that instructed me to cycle calorie intake daily and trick my metabolism into working more efficiently.  I was skeptical but the proof is on my butt now, or not on my butt, as the case may be.
So that's how The Number looks these days -- pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

1 comment:

t. said...

calorie cycling! i've been preaching that for years. it sounds kinda wacky, but i really believe it works.

and i am super jealous, but i know you've worked hard, so i'm also super happy for you! keep it up!