Sunday, April 5, 2009

Miriam vs. Princess Leia: The Battle of the Cooties

Miriam has complained for years that she is surrounded by too many boys. She has two brothers, two male cousins that we spend a lot of time with and in Texas, our best friends were another mom and her two boys. No girls, save for another friend and her daughter that we didn't see as often.

Miriam has asked me repeatedly why she doesn't have a sister. I tell her that's just the way things are. She's really excited about her new step-sibling-to-be because it might be a girl. For Miriam's sake, I hope it is. I really do.

A couple of weeks ago, Miriam was again bemoaning the fact that she has little girl interaction and the following conversation ensued:

Miriam: Boys have stinky cooties. They rub off on me. Princess Leia must have a lot of boy cooties, too. She has as many boys around her as I do.

Me: Who has more contact with boy cooties, you or Princess Leia?

Miriam: :thinking hard: Probably Princess Leia because Darth Vader has worse boy cooties than Solomon and Samuel.

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