Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Blog!

Happy birthday, to you!
Happy birthday, to you!
Happy birthday, dear Blo-og!
Happy birthday, to you!

Ahem. Thank you for indulging that moment of dorkiness. Really though, I am proud of my blog. It's been my creative outlet for one year now. I've recorded a lot of moments here. And I've stuck with it! That was one of my 2008 New Year's resolutions. Yay, me!

Speaking of New Year's resolutions ... my #1 resolution this year it to keep up with correspondence better than I have in the past. I am going to make a concerted effort to e-mail or write and send pictures more regularly. I'm a little apprehensive about posting this publicly because most of you that read my blog are family that I need to stay in touch with better. You all will have a front row seat to my progress on this. So, I will be strong and I will prevail! I will, I will, I will.

Love and best wishes to you all!

1 comment:

Brian Gardes said...

Look forward to seeing more of you this year!