Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tomorrow's To Do List

I am, unexpectedly, not working tomorrow morning and possibly not the afternoon, either. This is nice because I have a bunch of stuff that really needs doing and extra free time is so needed. In order to maximize my time (I've been known to waste entire mornings at this laptop with coffee in my hand), I'm making a list. I will cross off everything I do to keep myself accountable.
  1. organize my desk, file old bills and school projects
  2. fold two loads of laundry
  3. sweep and mop all hard surface floors
  4. make a Target run
  5. pick up the Holiday Shop gifts Samuel left at school
  6. send candy grams to the kids at school
  7. finish making _________ for some Christmas gifts
  8. dust the furniture
  9. unload the dishwasher

Alright. It's bedtime and I'm already one step ahead of tomorrow. I hope to keep it that way.

1 comment:

Brian Gardes said...

Wow! You go girl! I shudder to think what my "To Do" list would look like and how little of it would be crossed off!
