Monday, June 16, 2008

Voluntary Ignorance

It became obvious soon after I started this job that I disagree with most of my co-workers when it comes to politics. It rarely comes up though, and when it does I tend to keep my mouth shut because I am clearly in the minority. I just don't want to go there with these people.

I had lunch with 3 co-workers today. I've had lunch with them before and we have a good time. They are funny women and, even better, they think I'm funny. Today's lunch wasn't quite as light-hearted as past ones because the issue of the presidential race came up.

When the subject of candidates was broached, one woman said to me, "I know you like Obama, honey, because I saw your bumper sticker, but I just wanted to let you know you should research him a bit."

I was taken aback for a couple of reasons. One, I don't know how or when she saw my car. We park in an enormous hospital parking lot and I don't remember once seeing her in the parking lot, either before or after work. How does she know what I drive? Two, it surprised me that someone would think I'd just stick something to my car without thinking about it first.

However, I recovered and asked what she meant. She replied with, "Oh, you know, where he comes from and all that." I asked her to clarify if she meant where he was born or his family or religion or voting record or if he likes peanuts or pretzels. She said again, "You know, where he comes from," and gave me a knowing little nod. I answered that I have done some research on both Obama and McCain and I'm pretty confident in my choice. She looked surprised but she didn't say anything else.

Now, I have no issue whatsoever with someone who votes differently than I do. Live and let live, right? I do have a problem with people who treat me in a condescending way and assume I have no clue what I'm talking about. It's even worse when that same person can't be bothered to pin down her own meaning and give me a clear picture of her intent. Why push me to research candidates if she doesn't even know what she wants me to research?

I think I'll go back to keeping my mouth shut.


M.D.Nelson said...

Obama sucks!!!!!!!!!! LOL You don't even know how to read, let alone research. ;)

Ms. Jess said...
