Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How's That?

One of my patients today was a 6-month-old baby, in for a well check. There is a place on the exam form for the baby's exact age. I tend to make chit chat with the parents so it's not so quiet in the room and I said, "So she's six months and one day old today."

Um, no she's actually six months, two weeks and two days old.

Isn't her birthday December twenty-third?


Okay, well December twenty-third to June twenty-third is six months, plus today. Six months, one day.

But babies' ages are measured in weeks. And she's about six-and-a-half months old since some months have five weeks and some have four weeks.

No month has five entire weeks in it. If you want to get technical, each month has approximately four-point-three weeks in it. December twenty-third to June twenty-third is six months.

Well. :sniffs and turns her head away:

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