Monday, June 2, 2008

Bumper Stickers

My vehicle is now 10 years old and has collected enough bumps, dents, scratches and dings that I no longer care a great deal what it looks like. I only fixed the cracked windshield because I was afraid it might cave in on me whilst speeding down the interstate. That would be inconvenient, to say the least.

Because I don't care about the appearance of my car I decided to go all the way and add some colorful stickers. As with most things, I am picky about what I will put on it. (This is a perfect example of how conflicted I am; I don't mind driving a tacky vehicle, but it has to be tacky in the way I want it to be.) I have scoured the internet for the specific stickers I want and I have found almost all of them. My only fear now is that the stickers will long outlast my car.

While looking for my stickers, I came across several interesting ones. Most of these will never be considered seriously for my collection but I like them just the same, either because they are funny or because they are true or because they are both funny and true. A few of the best:

My child doesn't need validation from a bumper sticker.

If trees screamed would we still cut them down? Probably, if they screamed all the time.

I'm a PBS mind in an MTV world.

People would rather be wrong than different.

It is neither possible nor necessary to educate people who never question anything. John Heller

Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires. Lao-Tzu

When the rapture comes, can I have your car?

Your possessions own you.

Democrats make better lovers. (Whoever heard of a great piece of elephant?)

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