Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To Do List

I have had a 3-mile long To Do List since we moved here. In the last few weeks I've shortened the list considerably but there are still a few things that must be done and must be done very soon. If they don't get done, the To Do List demon is going to continue terrorizing me and send me completely over the edge into insanity.

I can't seem to focus on the few remaining things on my list. I am not sure why this is. Maybe because they are tedious chores that no one wants to do ever, much less when they are new to a major metropolitan area and don't know where anything is. Anyway, no one else is going to do them for me and since I can't stay focused, I'm posting my To Do List here. You could gently (gently!) remind me to do some of these things if they stay on the list too long.

  1. Register my vehicle in Colorado
  2. Register myself as a licensed driver in Colorado
  3. Pick a daycare for Samuel and enroll him
  4. Buy a couch
  5. Get a library card
  6. Get vehicle maintenance done
  7. Find a family doctor/nurse practitioner and dentist
  8. Finish remaining documentation for nursing license application
  9. Continue plugging away at the never-ending homework
  10. Contest false insurance claim attached to my name from last year (yeah, a lot of fun that's going to be.)
It feels better to have it all written out. Maybe now I won't spend 20 minutes reciting the list to myself when I go to bed. I hate that. It's the only time I spend thinking about all the stuff I didn't get done during the day and then I remember things I hadn't even considered that needed to be done. Wow, I'm tired.
I do derive a bit -- okay, a lot! -- of personal satisfaction from knowing that I have accomplished a hell of a lot since arriving here, though. Let's review:
  1. Apply for nursing license
  2. Find a job
  3. Enroll children in school
  4. Move into apartment
  5. Familiarize myself with major streets
  6. Unpack a U-Haul's worth of stuff
  7. File tax return
  8. Find a proctor for my computer exams
  9. Take a computer exam, schedule another exam
  10. Ensure that the children are adjusting well
  11. Start new auto and rental insurance policies
  12. Grocery shop from the beginning to fill a pantry and refrigerator
  13. Buy kids' snow boots
There has to be more. I feel like I haven't breathed deeply in almost a month. To be fair to myself, many of the above mentioned things entailed many, many steps. This would explain the all-pervading sense of exhaustion I am experiencing.
Finding a job? It's a job in and of itself. Enrolling kids in public school in a district that is the most confusing I've ever seen? Two jobs. Ensuring that the children are well-adjusted? I'll never finish that one. Familiarizing myself with major streets? I have wasted more gas on U-turns and back tracking through parking lots than I used to drive here from Texas.
Okay, now that I have succeeded in relieving my brain of these lists, it's past time to sleep. See ya.

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