Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Dreaded Colorado Winter

It turns out that winter in Colorado isn't so bad. Every time I told someone I was moving to Colorado, I got one consistent reaction: "Oh my gosh! You're going to freeze! It's so cold! Can you drive in the snow?!" And I just nodded along and said things like, "Yeah, I know. I think we can handle it. We'll get used to it." Secretly, I was wondering just how bad it would be.

I am happy to say that I have been pleasantly surprised. We've had a few small snow showers and one that was larger and included some freezing rain and sleet-type stuff. That was not fun but it didn't last long. The worst part is that driving on slushy streets quickly covered my vehicle in a thick layer of some of the nastiest dirt and grime I've ever seen. I twitched just looking at it and simply touching the door handle brought on a full-body shudder. Nasty.

You know how "they" say, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity"? Well, "they" are absolutely right. I learned this while living in West Texas because 100 degree heat isn't bad when the humidity is 10% and you can sit in the shade with a nice breeze. It's actually pleasant. What "they" don't usually say is, "It's not the cold, it's the humidity." But this is true, too. The air here is dry and cold which isn't nearly as bad as wet and cold.

The other good thing about dry air is that when the snow and ice melt, the water evaporates quickly. In wetter climes, the water would only make things worse by re-freezing into solid sheets of ice overnight. This doesn't often happen here.

So, there it is. Winter in Colorado isn't shocking or horrifying or freeze-your-bum-off cold. At least not that I've seen; nature could prank me tomorrow though, just for grins.

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