Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What is a Pessimist?

A pessimist is a person who not only sees the worst in every situation but actively tries to make situations worse.  For example, I spoke with a mother on the phone today regarding her child's need to change his medication because a specialist told her his current medication will adversely affect a chronic condition he has.  Generally when we change these types of medications we have to see the patient in the office so we have the time to address side effects, medication interactions and possible interactions with chronic conditions, such as the one her son has.  She's unable to bring him in because she has no money for gas and has next to no gas in her car.  I told her that I'd check with the doctor to see if he could schedule her for a phone consultation.

After discussion with the doctor he agreed to call her tomorrow (on his lunch break, no less) at an appointed time and go over the considerations of this new drug with the child's condition.  I called her back to tell her the happy news and to get her pharmacy phone number so we can call in the medication.  Instead of being relieved that we found a solution and thanking us for doing something we don't usually do, she proceeded to wonder if her insurance will cover the new drug (I don't know and have no way of knowing), worry that her children would be too loud while she's on the phone and then tell me how nothing ever works out the way she wants it to and life sucks in general.

Geez, lady.  Yes, sometimes life sucks but when people go out of their way to help you with one of your problems, please don't lay the rest of them out.  We can only help so much.  Ugh.

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