Friday, June 4, 2010


  1. I was going to wear a light khaki skirt today but then I realized that my legs are roughly the same color.  Not a good look.  This girl needs some sun, stat.
  2. I am instead wearing a denim skirt that I bought 2 summers ago.  It's 2 sizes too big, at least.  This is good and bad.
  3. I hate the end of the school year. During the last 6 weeks of school there are 7 -- I repeat: 7 -- separate days that my kids need or want me to be at their school with them doing something to commemorate the end of the year or going on a field trip or something. I just can't do it and it bums all of us out.
  4. Paul has been gone for 9 days on a motorcycle trip with his brother and sister-in-law.  I miss him. He's coming back on Sunday and I'm really excited.
  5. My kids are going into the 5th grade, 4th grade and 2nd grade.  When did they get this big?  When did I become the parent of such gargantuan children? It's unreal.
  6. I have new sympathy for allergy sufferers.  I've spent the better part of the last week congested, sneezing, blowing my nose, and downing Sudafed for a stupid cold.  I just want it to go away already.
  7. The words 'epic', 'beast' and 'random' are bugging me. 
  8. Angry Birds is the most addictive and maddening game I have ever played. Unless you count The Impossible Game. It's a tough call.
  9. That is all.  I think.

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