Saturday, July 4, 2009


I want to come back here and write. I feel the need to write. But I have nothing to say. I never thought this would happen. Is this what it's like to have writer's block?

When I started back to school a couple of years ago, I enrolled in an essay writing class. I really enjoyed that class. I missed it when the semester ended. It's what inspired me start this blog, actually.

One of my first assignments in that class was to talk about my reasons for writing. The professor wanted us to discuss creative writing specifically. I wrote that I don't like creative writing. I don't want to write fiction, short stories or novels. I usually have too many other ideas floating around in my head to focus on things that aren't true.

But now I have nothing to talk about and I'm stuck.

1 comment:

Brian Gardes said...

It happens, believe me. A writing teacher once told me that it was important to sit down each day at the same time and write. You had to train your body and mind to be productive. It is a great idea. Juat wish my life allowed me to have that luxury!

Good luck! hope the writer's block ends soon!