Saturday, March 12, 2011

No Time! No Time!

As you might surmise from my last two posts I have no spare time these days.  It's all sucked up by homework and laundry and cooking and commuting.  In the few minutes I do have between tasks I play Words with Friends.  I feel sorta lame.

There's a lot to tell you.  I have a list in my phone called Blog Posts that I'm adding to almost daily.  I need to tell you about these kids that Will. Not. Stop.Growing. Up.  I need to tell you about school and cooking and food y mis sueños y esperanzas.  That's what this is all about, huh?  Anyway.  I might find some time tomorrow morning.  I have this beautiful vision of sitting down with some coffee and my laptop when the craziness of breakfast is finished and I haven't yet started the insanity of algebra and telling you peeps what's been going on here.  We shall see if it comes to pass.

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