Monday, January 10, 2011


Winter has finally arrived. It took a while but it made it and it is not messing around.  We had a high today of something ridiculous like 14F.  Crazy.  These are icicles on the bumper of my car.

I'm sending this from my car while the windshield thaws out.  There is actually frost on the inside of the glass.  Brrrr.

IloveColoradoIloveColoradoIloveColorado.  I really, really do but there are times here that I must remind myself of that over and over and over again.  It's not unlike dealing with a truculent child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to show my ignorance and say that I did not know the meaning of truculent. I now do! I had to look it up, but now I know a new word. (It fit quite well in your thought, too.) Thank you!