Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Phone

A few weeks ago I took Samuel to the office for his 7 year well visit.  And by 'the office' I mean my office, where I work.  It's chock full of great people who can take great care of my kids. Anyway, moving right along ... The visit went just fine.

Jennifer called during the appointment but I couldn't answer the phone so (I thought) I put it back into my coat pocket and continued the visit.  Just before we left my friend Lisa came in to poke Samuel's finger and check his hemoglobin level.  He. Did. Not. Like. That. One. Bit.  It took both of us to wrestle him onto the table and pry his pinky finger out of his fist for the 1/16th of a second it takes to employ the lancet.  His hemoglobin was great, by the way, a testament to his incredible strength.

We collected ourselves and headed over to Chick-Fil-A for some lunch.  While in Chick-Fil-A Samuel blew some bubbles into his milkshake which caused it to explode all over the table.  I reached for my phone to take a picture, all prepared for a PSA post here about blowing milkshake bubbles.  But my phone was not there.  I looked in my 14 coat pockets and my 5 pants pockets and my bag.  Not there.  No biggie.  Probably in the car.

We finished lunch and went to the car to take Samuel back to school.  My phone was not there.  I ripped up the floor mats, moved my seat back and forth, dumped out my purse twice and moved all the booster seats.  No phone.  Went back into Chick-Fil-A.  No phone.  Went back to the office.  No phone.

I was a tad freaked out because my phone is integral to my daily life and I didn't realize just how integral until I could not find it.  I figured that I must have thrown it into the trash at Chick-Fil-A and decided that it wasn't worth searching through other people's half-eaten food for a 2 1/2 year old phone.  So I dropped Samuel off at school and headed to the AT&T store.

I've been drooling over iPhones for years.  I almost bought one last summer.  But I didn't.  But that's neither here nor there.  Anyway.  It's been past time for me to get a phone upgrade for months and months but I just kept putting it off.  I figured that the loss of my phone was a sign of some sort that I should get a new phone.  And why not get an iPhone?

The AT&T dude was very cool.  I told him the sad saga of the morning and how all the signs were pointing to an iPhone.  His eyes practically turned into dollar signs like in a cartoon.  I decided on the 16 GB 3GS, the accessories to accompany it and the Apple Care to support it.  I couldn't fathom needing 32 GB of space on a phone, for Pete's sake.  But again, not important right now.  Moving right along.

I decided to go ahead and get a new phone number.  I've kept my Texas number because it was simpler than changing my number and I kind of liked the, "Hm, where is that number based?" questions.  But when in Colorado ...

I got my phone, fell into a nice, comfortable infatuation with it and finished my party errands.  The only reason to be upset was that I had lost all the contacts in my old phone, about 200 numbers.  (Yikes!)  As I waited in the pick up line at the kids' school, Paul called me and said that Lisa had texted him and said that she had my phone at the office.  (My phone is so important because, of those 200 numbers, I have precisely 3 memorized -- Jennifer, Paul and work.  When I got the new number I was able to call Paul and Jennifer and tell them what happened.)

Crappola. Now I had two phones, one of which was deactivated.  Do I return the iPhone and keep my old phone?  Or do I just transfer the old contacts into the new phone?  Returning it was out of the question.  I was already in loooooove.

So I got the old phone from the office (Apparently, Samuel kicked it off the table during the finger poking episode and Lisa took it to the nurse's station, thinking I'd come back for it.  And I did but she hadn't told the front desk about it so they told me they didn't have it.), took it to the AT&T store and the nice man who sold me the iPhone opened it up to retrieve the SIM card so I could have all my numbers.

So, long story short: girl loses phone, panics, buys brand new fantabulous phone, falls in love, lives happily ever after.

1 comment:

t. said...

oh, i want an iphone so bad. but the european ones are insanely expensive. i'll have to wait till i'm back in the states. i'm glad you got a cool new phone. and i'm glad you found your old one so you didn't lose all those numbers.