Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Annoying Things in Waiting Rooms

  • Loud conversations about personal medical conditions -- I know it's important to you, but I don't want to hear about your uncle's prostatectomy.
  • Cell phones that ring loudly while the owner stares at it, deciding if they want to answer while the rest of us grit our teeth against the shrill circus music.
  • Abandoned coffee cups, used tissues and other assorted trash -- how hard is it to pick up after yourself?
  • Soap operas and talk shows (i.e. Maury Povich, Steve Wilkos, etc.) on the televisions.
  • Couples having passive aggressive fights at the next table.
  • Everyone complaining that "It's gotten so cold outside!  I can't believe it!"  Um, this is Colorado in October.  What else do you expect?
P.S.  I am very grateful for my iPod and laptop because they make waiting so much more bearable.  And it's much easier to ignore annoyances with music in my ears.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! "Wow! It's gotten so cold outside!" I love you Jessica. When I move to Colorado I am going to say that to you every October 20th. :)


t. said...

LOL i hear you on the trash! i saw a guy down the road finish his little plastic cup of espresso and then cross the street to hide said cup in a bush. meanwhile 5 more steps would have placed him right in front of a trash can! i was like 'really?'