Sunday, January 26, 2014

Open Letter to the Jerkface Who Stole My Purse

Dear Jerkface Who Stole My Purse,

You have caused me an immense amount of stress and frustration in the last two days. My wallet, which was in my purse, contained most of the proof that I am who I say I am. It contained every reasonable way I have to access my money. The only way this could possibly have been more stressful is if you had also stolen my phone or if my Social Security card and birth certificate had been in my wallet. But you didn't, and they weren't, so at least there's that.

You invaded my space. You walked up to my desk where I sit every day. You went through that desk where I keep all my personal effects. You probably saw my photos -- the one of my children at Red Rocks and the one of my entire family on the steps of my parents' home. Do you know that we're all kind and generous people who would never, ever do what you did?

You had to have seen the magnet which reads, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."  Do you know that quote actually means something to me, that I really do live that way? I don't steal things or lie to people, I work hard and give as generously as I can. I do those things because that's the way I want the whole world to do things. That is my change for the world.

If you stole my purse because you needed money, guess what? I'd have given you money. 

I'd have given you more money than you got by stealing my purse. I had $2 and change in my wallet, along with a few gift cards to Target, Starbucks, iTunes. That's all you got because I canceled my debit and credit cards immediately. My bank put 'stop payment' orders on the entire series of check numbers in my check book. I'm monitoring my account for electronic check withdrawals. I hope the cash and virtual money were worth it.

You made a security guard come to my office and take a report of the theft. I'm sure he had better things to do. You made my sister drive all over town getting my spare car key for me. You made my landlord come over and re-key my front door and get new copies of all of my other keys. They definitely had better things to do. You're making me spend time I don't have to get a new driver's license, insurance cards, library cards, debit and credit cards, student ID, transportation pass, and Costco card. If you're caught -- and I hope you are -- we've both lost. That's what happens when you take things that don't belong to you.

And if you took my purse for the thrill of stealing, well then I desperately hope you find something else to give you that thrill. You're a cheap jerk and I don't have the time or energy to waste on you if that's all you're after.

Have a nice day.

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