So I wrote the other day that The Number was down by 16. And today it's officially down by 17. Woot! Three more will be a major milestone. I loved being able to say that I had lost 15 pounds. Saying that I've lost 20 pound will be that much more awesome. Also, the first 15 pounds were just what I had gained from July to December of last year. I need to get past that point. It's as much a mental thing as a physical thing now.
Also, I'm back to strict calorie counting. I proved to myself that I wasn't ready to quit counting. I stopped counting for roughly 3 weeks and reverted back to bad habits. Not as bad as before, but still bad. I didn't gain any weight but I maintained steadily and now is not the time to be maintaining. I hope to be maintaining this summer.
I didn't win the online Biggest Loser Challenge. I came in third, I think. And now I'm part of another Biggest Loser Challenge at work. I don't know if I'll win that one either but I'll do my best. Besides, the point isn't winning anyway -- the point is being fit and fabulous and loving it.
I joined a challenge with my online fitness friends to do push ups in the month of April. On April 1 we did one push up, on April 2 we did 2 push ups and so on. I decided to add crunches to my part of the challenge, too. I'm hoping to see some serious definition by the time summer rolls around.
My official goal is to lose 19 more pounds. That would put me at a weight that I haven't seen since the awful Summer of Divorce when I lived on Dr. Pepper for fear of vomiting all other sustenance from the hellacious anxiety and stress. I know 19 plus 17 sounds like a lot, and it is. And I might not actually get there. (But if I do, it'll be a much healthier weight than the Summer of Divorce because I will get there by healthy eating and healthy activity.) Those are just numbers. I can imagine what I will look like and feel like at that weight but if I get to a point before there that I feel fabulous and healthy I'll stop. I'm not as concerned about the numbers as I am about my feelings toward myself and my energy and overall health.
So there you have it -- a Number update.
1 comment:
way to go, jess! i have no doubt you'll get to where you want to be. and woot on the push-ups! i love being able to do push-ups. i used to be able to do wide grip pull ups, but alas, i stopped for too long (no decent pull-up bar) and am now in the painful process of retraining my body to do them.
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