Friday, April 9, 2010


This week on my online home there was a thread titled "Things that are awesome" and it made me really happy.  People posted the good things that have happened to them this week or things that make them happy all the time or things that are, for lack of a better word, awesome.  I liked the idea.  So, without further explanation, things that are Awesome or Phenomenal or Tremendous or Excellent or whatever other superlative you'd like to tag them with:

  1. my adorable kids
  2. the fact that my kids are maturing and might, one day too soon, object to being called 'adorable'
  3. Paul
  4. my clean house
  5. the organic, grass-fed, free range, used-to-be happy beef that's now in my freezer
  6. movies
  7. music
  8. friends
  9. family
  10. game night
  11. excellent food
  12. decreasing The Number by 16 (Woo-hoo!)
  13. feeling like I'm exactly where I belong
  14. exploring school/becoming an RN options
  15. me (Yeah, I said it.)


Dave said...

You are a fantastic LPN and will be an AWESOME RN and I pray we can keep you!

t. said...

i heart this list! congrats on the number and good luck with school!