Monday, December 14, 2009


Remember my post about bumper stickers last year?  I made some assumptions about people that may or may not have been correct.  Well, I saw a vehicle the other day and made another assumption, one that I'm sure is correct.  I wish I'd been able to take a photo because this would have been one fantastic photo.  Unfortunately, the driver was there and I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I'll just have to use my words.

It was a large pick up truck -- the kind that makes one wonder whether the owner might be trying to compensate for something.  *ahem*  The license plate read 'GITRDUN'  and these were attached to the trailer hitch.  (Be sure to scroll down to get the full effect.)

Yeah. I couldn't make this up if I tried.  Well, actually I could; I have a pretty vivid imagination.  But that's beside the point.  The point is that this guy thinks a certain way about life and wants everyone to know it.  Or wants everyone to think he thinks a certain way about life.

You know that saying about assuming making an ass of you and an ass of me?  When it comes to my assumption about this driver, he's the only one that's an ass.  I'm certain of that.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I HATE those hanging balls! And think much less of the drivers who have them.

t. said...

LMAO i've seen such vehicles with the hanging sacks before. oy. let's just say i'm not impressed.

Dave said...

Totally gross and inappropriate. I saw a black pickup today with a silver skull on the trailor hitch with flashing red eyes and silver lovlies hanging below.