The kids returned from Albuquerque after summer break enthusing about their new favorite movie,
Pitch Perfect. I had not seen it but they assured me that I'd love it. They quoted so many lines from it during the 3-hour drive, I felt like I had seen it by the time we got home. But since feeling like I had seen it and actually seeing it are not the same, they insisted we watch it.
It is, indeed, a rather funny movie. Yes, it's a tween movie and yes, it's actually a musical. But I didn't hate it. I probably wouldn't have allowed them to see it on my watch (Uh, hello, language?! Adult situations??!!) if it had been totally up to me, but I wasn't consulted on that decision and the deed was already done.

Ace of Base's "The Sign" is performed repeatedly in this movie by the
main characters, as are many other pop tunes from the 90s and forward. I
didn't think much of it until the next day when that song happened to
come on the radio as Miriam and I were out grocery shopping. When she recognized it, her eyes got huge and she stared at me incredulously.
I said, "You did know this was a real song long, long before that movie, right?"
She said, "Uh, NO!"
She sat in silence for several seconds and then did that whole hand-exploding-from-the-head thing that people do to signal that their mind has, officially, been blown.
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