I recently had the privilege of having The Best Day Ever. Okay, I probably shouldn't call it that because it's hard to determine something like that, but still. It was a wonderful day. I'll share some of it with you.
It started with this. I call it Apple Pie Oatmeal. It's exactly what you think -- if what you think is a cut-up apple microwaved with cinnamon, sugar and butter, then mixed with oatmeal. And it's topped with real whipped cream.

Then I took a walk and listened to two episodes of "Radio Lab." I love that show. It frequently makes me tear up in a good way. It always makes me think about something I hadn't thought about before. This killed my battery, hence the 16% in the upper right hand corner.

On my walk, I saw scenery like this. I love living near the nature trail that runs around the metro area.

I came home and did some dishes. I know, I know, The Best Day Ever probably shouldn't contain mundane things like dishes and laundry, but it makes me happy to get this kind of stuff done. So there.
I played The Sims 3. My latest Sims project is recreating the White family from "Breaking Bad." The dad, of course, is Walter White. He has the family-oriented trait and also the criminal trait. This makes it so that he desperately wants children and always has desires to play with and chat with his children. However, he also has the option to "steal candy" from his infant daughter. So I had to make him do that. Poor Holly White cried when her father stole her lollipop.

I had a delicious dinner. It was a tilapia fillet baked in parchment paper with herbs and ghee. There was some roasted asparagus, and, of course, wine. You might see in the background of this photo that I also watched "Breaking Bad." I've been binge-watching it because I came to the party late and I am terrified that someone is going to spoil the ending before I can get to it. In this particular episode, Jesse Pinkman had had the crap beaten out of him and he was recuperating in the hospital.

This is the wine I had. It's a rather sweet wine, since it's made from peaches, but it was really good with the buttery fish.
And, finally, I had hot chocolate with rum! Yum!
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