Now, I'm not one to let obstacles get in the way of what I want. I don't give up easily. I'm a hard worker. I'm also a realist. All the encouraging, feel good, don't give up-ness in the world cannot change the facts. I don't know a single person in my situation -- single parent with the other parent 400 miles away -- who has done this. Every BSN candidate I know has either 1) a spouse who works full-time and supports the family while caring for children; or 2) moved in with parents who can fill the childcare and financial support roles as needed; or 3) a vastly superior financial situation that allows for not working any kind of job. None of these three are possible for me.
I was lamenting all of this to Paul and he said, "What else do you want to do?" And I immediately said, "There's nothing else. This is what I want."
But then I thought some more and I came up with these requirements for my career, such as it is or might be:
- I have to be able to meet thousands, if not tens of thousands, of different people. As much as individual people might drive me absolutely bonkers, I love humanity in general. I need to be immersed in all the stuff that makes up people.
- I have to be able to help those people. I need to feel that I can have a personal impact on someone's life. It may not be a lot to humanity as a whole, but I need to connect with at least a few people on a personal level.
- I have to be learning stuff. All the time. I don't want a single day to go by where I don't learn something, be it fascinating or mundane.
I would love to work in a research hospital some where. If I could study disease processes or microscopic pathogens and figure out what makes them tick, I'd be happy. If I could make them stop ticking, I'd be ecstatic. If I could save lives by stopping the ticking of fatal pathogens, I'd die happier than anyone ever has.
I have a lot to consider. I need to do some research on where I might fit. I need to see what my realistic options are. But I'm excited. There is a whole world out there -- that doesn't require grueling clinical hours -- that I haven't considered before now. And I can't wait to see what it might hold.
1 comment:
jess, you are simply amazing. and i have no doubt that whatever you decide to do career-wise, you're going to do well and make a difference! :)
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