Found this video. Watched this video. Teared up over some of the footage, giggled at other parts of it.
As it ended, I felt affection for this world and all its inhabitants and our interconnectedness. And then I thought to myself, "This is really just a commercial for Google."
I know that it is just a "commercial" but like you I found great affection as well. When watching or reading the news, I almost feel disconnected from the process, the decisions, and all else in the world, like disasters, organizations, etc. And yet, when you review it all, I realize I really wasn't that disconnected from it all. But instead, almost in the heart of it.
Not too emotional or too cynical. They're two sides of the same coin. One keeps the other in check so that we are neither gullible nor misanthropic. Thanks for this peek (even if it is an advert).
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