Thursday, October 28, 2010

Update on the Fall 2010 Semester

I'm about half way through this semester.  I think.  I don't have official mid-terms so I can't be sure.  But considering that my classes started in mid- to late September and the semester ends mid-December and it's now the end of October, I think this constitutes the mid-point of the semester.  I think.

Anyway, I dropped microbiology.  Did I already tell you that?  I can't remember and I don't feel like opening another window and perusing my recent posts to be sure.  But I dropped microbiology.  That class is the hardest class I've ever taken in my entire life!!  And I took geometry which gave me total night terrors all through my sophomore year of high school.  Microbiology completely dwarfs geometry in terms of difficulty.  And now, since my GPA directly affects my odds of getting into the extremely competitive nursing program I can't afford to scrape by with a C like I did in geometry.  So I did the responsible/wimpy thing and dropped the class.  Responsible because I did it by the deadline so as not to lose any money -- wimpy because I'm a wimp when it comes to having a less than desirable grade on my transcript.  My plan is to take it next semester (since I absolutely have to take it for nursing.  Duh.) in an actual classroom with actual lectures and actual lab exercises.  I aced A&P so I can ace micro.

My dosage calculation class is going great.  That makes me happy because I was scared -- excuse me, askeered, in a bigbigbig way -- of that class a few weeks ago. I remember dimensional analysis being a terror-inducing process when I went through nursing school the first time so I was not too keen on it this time, either.  But I've either become smarter or developed more common sense in the last 13 years or something because now it's easy as Pi.  Get it?  Pi?  Bwahahahahaha!  I crack myself up!  Occasionally.

Nutrition takes a little more work than math but it's still pretty easy.  It requires more time commitment because I have to read a lot of the textbook instead of just watching videos of math problems being solved but that's okay.  My biggest problem with nutrition is that the book approaches "good" nutrition from the point of view that margarine and its ilk are better for you than real butter.  Know what I mean?  The authors seem to believe that modern science is better at determining a healthy diet than are natural, minimally processed foods.  So as long as I approach my tests that way, I'm okay.  I just have to nod and smile and click the right answer to get a good grade and then go back to eating real butter and natural, grass fed meat and drinking full fat milk and all is right with the world.

I just got an e-mail today telling me that I can begin spring 2011 registration on November 10.  I'm excited.  I'm going to take microbiology (duh), either statistics or college algebra (not sure yet -- neither are required for my current nursing program but both are required for the BSN program I eventually want to transfer to, eons from now) and Spanish II or III.  I need to figure out how to skip Spanish I.  I'm not going to take Spanish I.  I'm way past Spanish I.

Anyway, that's how the semester is going.  It feels really good to be in school.

P.S. I have As in both classes.  Woot woot!

1 comment:

t. said...

sometimes the wimpy thing is the best thing to do. with science and math, i need to be in a class, listening to the lectures, etc. and i have no doubt you're going to kick micro's ass next semester! ;)