Bits and pieces of my life, from the mundane to the extraordinary, and everything between.

Monday, March 15, 2010
New Apartment
This is our living room upon entering the front door. That fireplace? So weird. I assumed we'd have a gas fireplace because that is mostly what people have around here, especially in apartments. But no. It's electric. Weird, huh? You flip a little switch and it lights up and blows out heat but there are no actual flames.
Another view of the living room. I'm desperate for summer so I can get some plants (even if they're fake! Ssshhh!) and put up my little patio lights and sit outside with the warm air and some wine and some music ... aahhhh. I love summer in Colorado.
The front door. Not much to say about that. Behind that built-in bookshelf is the kitchen, for a reference point.
This is the view from the front door and built-in bookshelf. Miriam loves her Wizard 101 account. I'm not entirely sure how that works. She has fire wizards and earth wizards and she banishes evil spirits or something. I think.
The dining area as seen from the computer desk. My tablecloth is wrinkly. Don't look directly at it, please.
The kitchen. Yes, that is a beach towel rolled up and stuck at the bottom of the laundry door. That little closet has an outside wall and no heating vent. It's flipping cold in there and the towel makes a huge difference in the temperature of the kitchen floor in the mornings. Please excuse the clutter all over the fridge. It holds our life, basically.
This is our mondo boring hallway. It's between the fireplace and the computer desk. I need to figure out what I can put here to make it less boring and still uncluttered. I'm still thinking about that. Suggestions are welcome. To the right is the world's tiniest closet. It holds approximately 2 1/2 coats and maybe a pair of gloves. Past that is the door to Miriam's room and then the door to the boys' room, which you cannot see from this vantage point. The door you can see is the kids' bathroom and my bedroom is to the left.
My girl's room. She loves it, in case you were wondering. Any where the boys aren't is a good place, in her opinion.
Her stuff. That wall needs something. Their dad is sending a disc of photos from his last visit up here. I plan to print several and make a collage for her to hang on this wall, above the shelves. That will take a bit. I forgot to take a picture of the wall to the right. It's just her closet.
Boy room. I'm not sure I like their beds turned this way. There are about 3 feet on the other side of the beds. It does make changing sheets on bunkbeds much, much easier but it chops up their floor space. So far, they like it because they can hide from each other on either side of the bed and shoot Nerf guns. The jury is still out on that one.
A wall with more toys than they really need.
Another wall with lots of toys. That collage is from a weekend trip with their dad about 4 years ago. The Chinese lanterns are in kind of an odd place. Still not sure about those, either.
Kids' bathroom. The framed painting above the toilet was created by Samuel in art class. It has red fish stenciled on it, some green seaweed and gold pebbles. It matches their bathroom perfectly and he's so proud to have it there.
My room. I'm most displeased with my room. Next to the hallway, it's the most boring part of our place. And I kind of think that makes it worse because hallways kind of get a pass when it comes to boringness. I almost didn't post pictures of it because it's so boring. But I figured some reference would be good because if anybody has ideas, I'd love to hear them. Also, when I spruce it up, I'll post After shots. By the way, those are boy legs. They are watching Star Wars. And while we're talking about it -- television in my room? Not so sure about that. There are pros and cons. I have yet to decide which carries more weight.
The Most Boring Wall ever. Don't you feel special to be experiencing this? I have matching lampshades but I haven't expended the energy to change out the brown one to another red one. I'm in more of a blue phase these days. I really love my bedding. It's brown and accented with kind of a dusky blue so I want to move in that direction.
My bathroom. I really love my bathroom. The closet is to the left and it's pretty awesome. I have tons of space in there.
So there you have it. Our new place. I like it so much better than the old place for a lot of reasons. Its only drawback is being on the third floor and even that really isn't that much of a drawback.
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Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing! You're right - your bedroom could use a little help. A large painting above your bed might be a quick and easy option to add some color and excitement. Same suggestion for your hallway - a large, flat painting there would add color, but wouldn't get in your way. You and the kids could even create a painting together. Your bathroom looks great - like a page out of a magazine.
i love your new place! where'd you get your kids' bathroom shower curtain? i totally dig it. sometimes i fantasize about what my house/bedroom would look like if i lived on my own. all girly and artsy-fartsy, i suppose, like an anthropologie bedroom, but way cheaper cause as a single lass, i'd shop at cool thrift stores and have oodles of time to craft stuff. (yeah, right. but a girl can dream!)
have fun sprucing up your bedroom. :)
Love your bathroom! I love looking at all the photos of the new place. As for the halls and bedroom - some of your favorite photos? Again, I'm biased as I LOVE photos hanging all over my walls, but a nice, even, wall of black and white photos would look really nice.
Thanks for the photos. Makes me feel like I have been to visit you. Wish I could. I agree about a large painting over the head of your bed, in colors to match your bedroom. Maybe a painting of the gorgeous mountains you have in Colorado!
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