Friday, November 13, 2009

Why I Will be Happy for the Kids to Grow Up

Disclaimer:  This is a Debbie Downer post.  I'm fully aware of that.  I'm not usually in this state of mind and you know it.  But this has been a difficult couple of weeks and I need to vent.  Thank you.

When the kids grow up there will be no more:
  • mysterious stomach symptoms, followed by puking
  • obsessive-compulsive throat clearing
  • remembering who gets the first computer turn today, who gets to sit where, who gets the 'special' fork or who gets any one of the numerous things they argue about
  • invasion of my bed at 6 AM with tossing and turning, flicking at my ears, asking for food, wiggling incessantly and finally running frantically to the bathroom to pee
  • peed beds
  • homework wrangling
  • coordinating of visits with the ex-husband
  • coordinating of anything with the ex-husband
  • deciding where to live based mostly on where they will go to school
  • book fairs, skating parties, volunteering at school or scheduling parent/teacher conferences
  • backseat fighting
  • "Move!", or "Don't do that!", or "Stoooooop iiiiit!"
  • crying over computer games that are too difficult or too violent or too everything
  • being afraid of the dark or monsters or spiders
  • disgusting yellow stains on and around the toilet or stale urine smell in the bathroom
  • discussions of why I think drinking alcoholic beverages is okay and the ex-husband does not

1 comment:

t. said...

aw. {hugs} i have times like that, too, where the stress just gets to me.