Saturday, July 4, 2009


My kids are gone. They'll be gone for a while. It's good and it's bad. I desperately needed some down time. The down side of down time is that I miss them.

The week before the kids left, I took off work and focused entirely on them. I went to Samuel's kindergarten graduation. It was very, very cute. We had a celebratory lunch on the last day of school. They rode their bikes, scooter and skateboards. We took advantage of free summer movies, went to the aquarium downtown, played in the pool and at the park. They slept over with their cousins, played with dry ice, courtesy of the Cool Uncle Levi. And then I packed them up and sent them off with their dad. It was a good send off.

I breathed deeply, cleaned the house thoroughly and sat down to watch television programming considered inappropriate for children. And now it's time to focus on myself.

So far, I'm keeping busy. There is kickball, there are dinners and drinks with friends. There is running and weightlifting. There is soaking in the hot tub at midnight with a glass of wine, the stars and no worries. There is a lot of reading, coffee and music. It's a good time.


Dave said...

Sounds like you are having a nice summer. How are you doing with kick ball? Your free time is great but I know you miss those 3 neat kids!

Dave said...

Writing will be good for your soul.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy! You can really use it!

I miss your regular blogs, though.


t. said...

that sounds heavenly! :) and you are an awesome mom, jess.

Brian Gardes said...

Fantastic. Enjoy!