Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Political Post

Maybe I've been too caught up in politics lately or maybe it's because this was such an emotional election or maybe I'm just hormonal, but some of these photos are so poignant I tear up when looking at them.

From 52 to 48, with love


Brian Gardes said...

that was really cool. Thanks for drawing my attention to it!

Jules said...

This isn't really a comment to this blog, although I enjoyed the website. It is really a return of the comment you left me. Like you mom said, there are of course some who are very negative about the President Elect, but there are also some that are truly giddy. For example, I went to the annual NHS vs. SHS game. At the end of the National Anthem, many people shouted, "Yes we can!" I was so moved that I cried a little, and as I looked around I saw others were as well. It was refreshing to see such pride and optimism. Of course, I was on the NHS side though. Things might have been different on the other side of the stadium. I think it just depends who you talk to.