1. Mom making my Cinderella birthday cake. age 2
2. Someone scrubbing my hands with stinky soap and putting a gown on me so I could see newborn Jennifer in the hospital. age 2
3. Dad singing me to sleep in the rocking chair. age 2
4. Tossing a balloon to my aunt over the shower curtain while I took a bath and she was babysitting. age 3
5. Making mud pies in the back yard with the kid that Mom babysat. He was so old, at least 5. age 3
6. Going on vacation with Grandma and Grandpa and being eaten up by mosquitoes. age 4
7. Wearing my favorite dress at least part of every day at Dover. It was red and covered with flowers. age 4
8. Watching Dad milk cows on the dairy and getting to feed bottles to the calves . age 5
9. Waiting for the kindergarten school bus by Granny and Paw Paw's honey suckle bush. age 5
10. Thinking that an 'E' should look like this: age 5
11. Lance being born and Dad telling Jennifer and me that he was a big baby; me thinking that meant he was already bigger than me. age 5
12. Playing dentist and pretending I had a loose tooth, only to realize I really did have my very first loose tooth. age 6
13. Trying to take my cat into the wading pool and getting the full benefit of his claws on my back as he scrambled away. age 6
And a bonus story because I can't leave it out --
A skunk spraying our front porch. While we were outside. With all the windows open. And box fans sitting on the window sills blowing into the house. age 6
Wow! Great memories...and from so early! I can only remember back to around age 4 or so. Beyond that I can't tell if they are memories, or just pictures in my mind from what my parents told me.
Thank you for a wonderful walk down memory lane. I'm glad that you remember so much. I love you! ~Mom
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