Monday, January 7, 2008

More School

I registered for spring 2008 classes last week. In retrospect, it was quite an accomplishment. By the time I braved the wait in line for a counselor, signed up for classes, spoke with financial aid and sold back an old text book I felt more than a tad victorious. Melodramatic? Not really, when you consider the following:
  • prospective students ahead of me in line numbered close to the triple digits
  • I can only take on-line classes at this point and I'm quickly running out of options
  • financial discussions make me nervous
  • most of the counselors are about as helpful as a pile of wet grass clippings
To pass the time waiting in line, I called the Colorado Board of Nursing to discuss my application for licensure. I was on hold for 16 minutes, 37 seconds while being reassured that my call was very important to them and someone would help me in approximately 2 minutes. I stopped snorting at that announcement about 12 minutes into the call. I think the girl next to me appreciated that. I also put in a call to the bank to discuss the matter of a direct deposit but I wasn't taken off hold before the college counselor called me back.
The thing about counselors at my school is that only one of them is any good. For obvious reasons, I cannot reveal her full name so I will call her The Stupendous Nancy. She goes out of her way to be helpful and reassuring. This is very comforting for someone like me -- and by that, I mean someone who agonizes over every decision as if I were dropping the A-bomb. I was immensely happy to get called back by The Stupendous Nancy because at these mass registrations, it's simply the luck of the draw (or un-luck of the draw for students who see someone other than The Stupendous Nancy).
First, The Stupendous Nancy delivered the wondrous news that my math requirement was fulfilled by my high school ACT score. How that works out, I have no clue. I mean, that ACT was taken almost 12 years ago and I've never been the brightest when it comes to math concepts. But I didn't question The Stupendous Nancy; I am thrilled to take her word for it. Second, The Stupendous Nancy figured out a way for me to take all this semester's classes online, get enough hours to receive the 75% reimbursement rate for my Pell grant and sign me up for a course that knocks out a BSN requirement. She really deserves to be called The Stupendous Nancy.
Next, I was on to the financial aid department to find out when my residual checks will be available. As it turns out, the first isn't due until after the middle of February. I will already be living in Colorado and unable to pick up a check in person. This could have been a problem, but the nice lady told me they could send it to me, provided I sign over my birthright. She was not amused when I told her that my birthright has been watered down considerably since I have 7 younger siblings and my parents are too fair for my own good. Just kidding.
Finally, I headed to the bookstore to see how badly they would rip me off for last semester's text books. They only wanted one of my text books. You could look at this in a positive light or a negative light. On the one hand, I only sold back one book and got back money for that one book. On the other hand, I only sold back one book and kept the rest. So I didn't get ripped off as badly as I would have if I had sold back all my books at the school's pathetic buy-back value. There has to be a mathematical equation for that but I do not want to figure it out. See the earlier comment on my comprehension of math concepts.
Add all of this up and you can clearly see why I walked a little taller that afternoon.
P.S. I am taking Pharmacology, Human Growth & Development and something called BCIS. I'm told it's a computer class and that I must have it. Also, I am relieved to know that I will be studying humans as opposed to, say Venutians or amoebae.

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