Grrr. I keep going a month or more between postings. I don't know what my problem is, other than parenting full time and working full time. Hardy-har-har. Actually, (and seriously, I'm kinda embarrassed to say this publicly but here it is -- ) it's much more difficult to open my laptop, log in, and navigate to this page than it is to unlock my iPhone and play Words with Friends or Angry Birds or the like. It's so much easier that I do that most of the time.
I hate that I do that, too. I can feel my brain turning to mush because I have not stimulated the writing neurons that exist up there. They're being pushed to the side by the neurons that fling birds at pigs and concoct such thrilling words as "QI" or "ZA" for 8,762 points. (Not really. 8,762 points, that is. They are being shoved into the nether regions of my brain.)
In the time since I last posted anything meaningful, the kids have returned home for the school year (and gone to ABQ for fall break and returned from that, too.), I have started a new job, the gardens have been put to bed, I've taken countless pictures that I want to show you and we've had a couple of snowstorms. Jeez, I kinda stink at this whole blogging thing.
I hope to get back into it. I really do love it. Maybe this will provide the stimulus to actually sit down with the laptop and a cup of coffee on Saturday morning.